In the distant future, when I start a new little flock, I might try something that is on the rare list, but I do like my Ameracuanas, which are most likely 'easter eggers', but I really don't give a hoot. They are such a tough little bird,lay consistently and come in a large variety of colors.
So, anyway, back 'in the day', about every other year I would buy a small batch of assorted breeds from the hatchery. Then there were a few years where a determined hen 'stole' a nest and tried to hatch out a few babies (usually with disastrous results, so that I would end up going to the hatchery anyway to supplement her hatch.) In the end, my flock was pretty diverse, but for the most part purebred---Dominiques, Production Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rock, Black sex-links, and a colorful assortment of the Ameracuanas.
Here is a picture of a Black Sex-link (these are very similar to Production Reds, in shape and production values, but can be sexed at birth as the hens are always black, if I remember correctly). They lay a large brown egg. I bought six of these little chicks in 1997--yep, 1997, so that makes her.... 11 and almost a half. She is the last of these girls. Really she has aged remarkably well, she isn't hunched up like her picture implies, (she thought there was a bit to eat there on the ground), and until she molted a few weeks ago she looked shiny and very healthy. She also crows. Quite well, in fact. Wing flapping and all. The rooster doesn't seem to mind, as she is one of his special ladies.
Next is one of the 'younger' generation. Her name is On'y (as in Only) as the broody hen who hatched her only managed to produce one live chick. Of course this resulted in me purchasing 13 day old Ameracuana chicks from the hatchery to 'keep her company'. Hatched in July of 2002, On'y is in her prime at just 6 years old. Her dad was a lovely russet colored Ameracauna, and her mom was, you guessed it--a black sex-link! She really is a pretty girl, and even has the full muff and beard of the Ameracuana. I think she lays brown eggs, but have never been able to catch her in the act to know for sure.
Lastly are two hens that are simply known as 'the twins'. They have been inseparable since hatching back in July of 2003, and are the youngest and last hatch on the farm. They did have two Ameracauna hatch mates, and I purchased some Buff Orpingtons to round out the hatch. I ended up selling all but these two and one silver Ameracauna hen (I suspected the ones I sold were all roosters). These girls are very petite and almost 'game -like' in their appearance. They are 'slick feathered' and have no muffs or beards. They are also very fast, and on the spooky side. Interestingly enough, they are also an Ameracuana and Black Sex-link cross, even though they look totally different from On'y. Again, I'm unsure what color eggs they lay.
What a good looking biddy O'ny is!
Re crowing hens -- I had one old girl once who didn't crow but she did, in her old age, grow rooster spurs.
How many do you have total? It's not just four, is it? I just love having chickens; we should have gotten some a LONG time ago. Oh, and about using eggs: I don't make quiche very often because I haven't found a low-fat way to make it (all that cheese!), and both Rick and I have cholesterol "issues." The apple kugen was actually pretty healthy since I used non-fat yogurt; that means the only fat in a 9x13 pan is a 1/2 cup of butter (I used a healthier alternative) and the eggs.
Our girls are about the same age as On'y. We had considered stopping by the hatchery and getting replacements this year, decided to wait.
Hugs to Boone and Ariel :)
I enjoyed reading about your chickens..I hope to get a few someday.
Vicki, that is sure interesting about the spurs! I've not seen that yet. My grandma always used to say--a crowing hen and whistling woman always come to some bad end---but I doubt this hen will ever see a stew pot! ;-)
Michelle--I have twelve chickens total--11 hens and one rooster. I have one dominque, the four black hens pictured, the following Americuanas: 2 brown, 1 white, 2 grey (including 'Sue'), and 1 reddish grey--plus the rooster. All old....
JK--it's nice having the hatchery so close and handy, isn't it? Sometimes too nice...
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