In addition to tornadoes and wild and dangerous lightening storms we have also been blessed this year with swarms of Locust. Makes you wonder.
Technically these little buggers aren't locust, but are often called that around here. They are in fact Cicadas, and these seem to be from the '13 year' family. I'm not sure how 'they' figure these things out. Do 'they' band the eggs? Do 'they' wait around to see how long it takes them to hatch? Evidently someone goes to the trouble of keeping track of this.
This particular hatch is very, very loud and could easily drive a person stark raving mad, if you weakened. Thankfully most of them do shut up at night. This variety is a bit smaller than the 'normal' cicada that hatches, and has a more orange cast to them. From what I read it takes about a month of this incessant noise for them to complete their life cycle.
I see allot of holes in the yard (from the larvae) and gobs of these brown husks left around.
So how about the rest of you? Have the '13 Year Cicadas' hatched out your way?
Quiet-lover that I am, the incessant, shrill noise of cidadas would drive me over the edge if I had to live where they live. Thankfully, they do NOT live here!
We've not had them yet this year, but we will--The 'normal' ones you hear to me, are the sound of summer. But about 5 years ago we had our '12 year cicadas' and it sounded like something out of a science fiction movie, the sound was so loud and deafening and they were everywhere!
I remember when these came around, it was such a huge deal. Cool but creepy little critters!!
Please no! The last time drove me stark raving mad.
Haven't seen or heard any here yet -- plenty of normal night noise though.
I never see any around here. I remember them from when I was a kid, but the area has gotten too suburban, I think, with too many people loading their lawns with bug killers and fertilizers. I miss them.
Oh, well, that just creeps me out - I'm not a very "bug friendly" person - there'd be a lot of stompin goin on in our yard - Ick! T.
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