Just wanted to let folks know that had asked that we are okay, and are about an hour and half from Joplin.
Although we have had rain, and more rain the most severe storms have not hit here. This morning a powerful lightening storm brought me straight out of bed. (Lost my phone to that one--last week it was the modem to the computer). I really haven't ever seen anything like it. I was sure the barn had gotten hit (and therefore all the sheep), but there was no way to check until it was done. For awhile there was a constant flashing of light, and then BOOM a big strike. At one point I stepped out into the breezeway to get the dogs in, and the air was suffocating it was so moisture laden and heavy. It was very frightening. I'm pretty sure something got 'fried' outside because there was a heavy scorched smell in the air. However the sheep were okay, the house was okay, the well house seems okay, so I'm guessing it was a tree. (Although I see the farmer that owns the bordering land checking out his fence charger, so I'm guessing it got it too.)
All I can say is this is one of the most violent seasons I have ever seen.
My heart breaks for those in Joplin that were in the path of this devastating storm. They say it looks like a nuclear blast. Right now they are in rescue and recovery mode and have found several people still alive that were buried in the rubble. This town will need help for many, many weeks to come. There is, in addition to the loss of lives and homes, many that have lost their pets--there are many animals roaming and being found and being searched for.
Words fail when faced with this sort of devastation.
I appreciate the concern of my blogger family. Take care and stay safe.
It sure has been a wild ride. Stay safe.
But have you changed Ashley's name to "Toto" yet?
I remember what Kansas was like and can only imagine what everyone in Joplin is going through. My folks lived in Ohio when the Xenia tornadoes went through causing horrid damage. I was living in CA at the time and remember calling my mom who was yelling at my dad to come in and forget about the ham radio antennae - that the tornado was getting too close to them. It passed about a mile from their place outside of Mason, but the winds sure scoured the countryside.
Take care, Tam!
I'm so glad you're all right and all your animals. I didn't realise you were so close to Joplin!
Take care.
I'm glad you're safe, and like you we continue to pray for the animals and all those who have lost everything to find peace and their way....
What?!? The puppies are on your sidebar yet?!?
So glad to hear that you are OK! T.
This sure has been a wild spring,unlike any we`ve had for awhile.I still have plants to set out,it seems to be always storming or about to storm.
So glad you & your family are safe,phyllis
Glad you are safe. Sounds scary out there. Hope this season gets better weather wise for everyone.
Lets hope the weather calms down soon.
Storms have a way of humbling us and of reminding us that nature always rules and will always win. Sometimes, it is brutal. I am glad you are okay, but we understand the heartache for those who are not. Our prayers go to them.
Do you have your electrical stuff plugged into surge protectors? They are not a 100% guarantee, but do provide some protection. About $10-$15 for a strip with several outlets.
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