Like a walk through the country side living on a small farm is full of daily surprises, sometimes wonderful and amazing, and other times puzzling and sad. I hope you will walk with me as I live out my dream of living on this tiny farm. You will come to know the dogs, cats, Shetland sheep and chickens that make up this farm and what goes into keeping them happy and healthy. Come and join the journey with me.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pawprint Inspected and Approved!

My name's Meshach, and boy-kitty we've had a week of excitement and change around here! Them young whipper snapper's couldn't hardly handle it all.
We had to help our 'bean clean out some old stuff, haul it out, clean floors and walls and then we helped paint too! Then we re-glued tile and stained some woodwork--just in time to get two big metal boxes that make lots of noise. The 'bean calls 'em a 'washer and dryer'. If that weren't enough to get our paws in knot, we also helped move in a big giant cat cabinet last night! (computer cabinet, Meshach). This morning we was lots of help too, when the 'bean was trying to hook up all the computer wires and muttering under her breath....

Here I am in the cat cabinet! Doesn't it just go perfect with my fur?

Yes, indeed, I think a little kitty bed would go perfect right here--so I won't have to lay on this plastic bag. The 'bean mentioned something about the 'monitor' having to go in here, but unless that is some sort of kitty bed brand, I don't think there is going to be room for it.

Uh, oh...we've got a problem, but I'm on it! It's, er, it was a little crawly spider. While I'm busy checking the rest of the corners for intruders I'll turn it over to the brats, uhm, cats....

Tempe here! I'm already up on the top of the cat cabinet--even before the 'bean got a chance to dust it. It's mine and I love it. Also if you notice the 'bean painted the wall behind the cat cabinet too--of course with our help. In a rare stroke of genius our 'bean picked out a color to compliment my, er, our fur. It's called 'gingerbread'. (The 'bean denies that she picked out paint to compliment her clowder of cat's color(s), because if she did something like that, she would be a crazy cat lady.) I'm going to let my brother say something now, cuz he won't get off my cabinet if I don't.

It's me, Gabe---don't tell anyone, but I think the 'bean took one of my fur samples in to match the paint to---and it's not really called 'gingerbread' but 'Ginger-cat'! I'm just sayin'...but you can judge for yourself.

Sage says---I don't care what color it is and if it matches or not, it's all mine and I'll swat that camera right out of your hand if you come a little closer!

(Just to note that it has indeed been a busy week, and having so many helpful furry helpers it didn't always go smooth. And there might be a few spots of gingerbread paint on a few cats...There will be more updates and more pictures to come, but for now all the 'heavy' stuff is done. Lots more painting to do, but I have to move stuff out of the way first--much of it to the new desk. Have a good weekend!)


Louise said...

Well, cats, you have all done a mighty good job of helping your 'bean. That new cat cabinet looks very nice, and cozy. And, I think it is a tribute to your beautifulness that she chose a color that will compliment all of you.

Sharrie said...

Great color choice! Love your assistants!

Vicki Lane said...

Don't let your bean fill up your lovely cat cabinet with her junk, you guys! Be firm with her.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Love the color...of the wall behind the very vain kitties. I AM glad you matched the color to their colors. It wouldn't do to clash.

Nancy K. said...

Gorgeous color!

That was SO nice of you to get a cat cabinet. But where will you put your computer desk???


Kathy said...

We are so glad you guys are on top of things! We cats gotta stick together and snoopervise these 'beans so they do what's best for us cat-peeple! Our bean has been taking it too easy lately. She sez it's too hot, but she's lernin' to do something called "knitting socks" lately. Doesn't she have enuf things to do like spin her wheel-y thing, fluff out all those sheepy wools for us to play in, and feed us?
These beans never lern, do they?
Looks like a good cat-thing to all of us here. Keep helping your bean so she give all that 'puter space to you. heeheehee
Mooch, Rascal, Daisy, Pixel, Europa, and Shadow -
in Airy Zona

AJ-OAKS said...

Love that color!! Wow!
And I must agree with Meschach, that space looks much better with a cat rather than some silly old computer part! :)
Sounds like you have been over the top busy. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Tammy said...

Thanks all. I think I'm going to like the color, once I get it all done. Most of the time it feels very mellow and cozy. The cat-cabinet is filling up with computer junk despite the best efforts of the cats. However the top is totally off limits and no books allowed, since it has been claimed as a last stand by the cats...