....Skirting fleeces (removing unpleasant bits)
...measuring staple length.....
...bagging and weighing and writing descriptions..
Marshfield Fiber Fair is day after tomorrow! Am I ready? No way, no how...
Hopefully next week I'll get back into the swing of things. I'll be on vacation and am so looking towards that.
On a sadder note, Jeffery, my Shetland ram is down. All very mysterious. He can't eat, but has the strength to stand up and shuffle around, but not enough to stay standing. He can't seem to lift his head (not floppy, more stiff), but is alert. My hopes aren't high at this point. He has been on supportive therapy since Sunday, in addition to a welter of things to try and get something to work. Thanks to all the advice from a few good and kind shepherds out there. It is much appreciated.
Have a good week!
I love your new header photo! May you sell out at the Fiber Fair, and come home to an improved Jeff. (((HUGS)))
Just what Michelle said. ((( )))
I love the photos of Boone and Ashley!
I sure hope that Jeffery recovers for you and that you sell all of your fleeces and the Fiber Fair.
I'm with Vicki, just what Michelle said. Hang in there sweetie.
I'm so sorry about your ram. I'm really hoping he recovers.
No wonder Boone looks so dejected, the little collie has all the toys:)
Good luck at the fiber fair. I know nothing about selling fleece but it sounds interesting.
Looking good with the fleeces! I have 3 weeks to get my fleeces ready and decide how they are going to get processed. At least in all of OUR chaos, the animals are doing just fine:)
Oh, poor Boone. Such a face he has!
Ashley needs more toys!! Just ask her. :)
Wow, that is a lot of fleece. Looks like a lot of work.
Sure hope your ram gets to feeling better. Sending him healing thoughts and prayers.
Oh, Tammy...I am so sorry to read about the ram. Have you chatted with the "Guru in OR"? I'm sure you've been hitting him with everything - vitamins, more vitamins, that rumen remedy/support mix, etc. And I know you're exhausted with all the "advice" you've probably been getting.
I know you will use the "shotgun" approach. I'll keep you all in my prayers this evening. And do let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
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