Since Shad was so rotten, I was a little afraid of his reaction to this teeny, tiny kitten. (Shad was very huge). I took Meshach in and set him up in a cage. Shad came over and looked at me. I told him this was his kitten and he needed to take care of him. Shad went over and plopped down right in front of the cage and just stared. Not long afterward, I opened the cage and the friendship was on. Shad never tried to hurt Meshach, although he played pretty rough as the kitten got older. I used to think he was flaying Meshach alive until one day, I observed them playing when Meshach didn't know I was around. Shad had barely tapped Meshach, when Mesh let out a terrible wail of pain! What a faker. To this day, sometimes he still does this and I fall for it every time! Other than his acting skills, Meshach was a model kitten, and never caused any problems. This was a huge relief after the battleground of Shad's kittenhood.
Shadrach and Meshach were best buds, and tiny little Mesh would curl up to his big bro. every night. Such a friendship grew between the big ornery fellow and the little sweet (but still a faker) kitten.
Shad struggled with his weight and inactivity over the next few years, but seemed content and healthy. Then one night he got up from a nap, staggered and fell over. I grabbed him up, his tongue and gums were blue. I rushed him out into the cooler air, and he came around. He wasn't in good shape though. After frantically calling around, finally a vet was found that would see him that night. I'll always remember little Meshach came over to where Shad was laying and gave him several licks on his head, before we left. Shad didn't come home alive, and it was one of the most distressing and depressing times on the little farm that I've experienced. He had a massive tumor that x-rays showed were scrunching his heart and lungs up into a little area. The tumor covered most of his chest cavity. No wonder the big guy had been so inactive. Because he was so obviously in distress I had him put down that night.
Meshach and I were devastated. I missed that cat so much and Meshach missed him even more. Shad was with me when I went through some pretty tough times and I was very close to him. After he died, when I would lay down at night, Meshach would crawl up on me and bury his head in my neck and literally make little sobbing noises. We would cry ourselves to sleep. It took many weeks for Meshach and I to work through our loss. Meshach became very needy and clingy for awhile, but eventually we both got a little less sad.
Since then Meshach has had two house buddies--Salome a lovely Himalayan female whose short but sweet story I will tell sometime, and then later Sage, whom you all know. Meshach has cared for them all, but never the closeness he had with his 'brother' Shad. And so the years have rolled along and we have been through many ups and downs together, this little furry friend and I, and our friendship goes deep. For those that say, 'they are just a cat' or 'dog', you cannot understand and sadly most likely never will. I won't waste my time trying to explain it. For all the rest of you? I know you understand and no explanation is needed or required. Here's to our furry friends and all the joy and even the inevitable heartbreak they give us!
I've never had a "best-friend" cat, only dogs, but I understand totally. A pet friend is a pet friend, and I can't imagine a life without them!
What a sweet, sweet story of your friends. Oh, the joy they bring to our hearts. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story - I've been fortunate to have wonderful cats as well as wonderful dogs. Loving them and being loved by them is such a gift.
Lovely story -- the good times are worth the eventual heartbreak.
Cats are wonderful animals that weave their way into the hearts of those that they own.....meaning us, the owners. I love my cats as you house would be so empty w/out them. Thank you for sharing your story:)
Smiling and crying.
What a beautiful story. ...and then there is Jack the Cat. Our psycho cat who doesn't groom himself and when upset will pee in the laundry. I'm overly cautious to make sure Jack stays happy. I would love to get another cat friend for him but afraid what he might do if he doesn't like the one I choose.
Yes...tears and smiles. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Our pets are really our furbabies. I adore my kitties, and I agree with Vicki that the good times are worth the eventual heartbreak. In the grand scheme of things, they are with us for such a short time. They walk into our hearts, touch our souls and teach us to enjoy every moment we have with them. Even when they do odd pee in the laundry. :)
BTW: I think all cats are at least a little bit psycho. I know mine are.
I'll echo everyone else - that is a very sweet story - they do hold on to our hearts, don't they.
Your Pizza looked wonderful! I got to have a huge shrimp (actually they were tiger prawns) salad tonight for dinner - The Shepherd doesn't care for them unless they are deep fried - but I love a good shrimp salad!
How is your little ewe doing?
I will always be closer to pets than people,so I totally understand.Thank-you for sharing his story.You did the right thing by letting him go.
I`m catching up with you,I need to place you on my blog list,hoping Boone is feeling better,poor guy.
I used Rimadyl for Max when he was having arthitic pain,phylliso
Friend, I have an award for you over at my blog. Hope you'll accept!
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