Like a walk through the country side living on a small farm is full of daily surprises, sometimes wonderful and amazing, and other times puzzling and sad. I hope you will walk with me as I live out my dream of living on this tiny farm. You will come to know the dogs, cats, Shetland sheep and chickens that make up this farm and what goes into keeping them happy and healthy. Come and join the journey with me.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fairlight Farm

A week or so ago Tina over at Blip on the Radar had asked how I came to name my Farm. As usual I'm a little slow on the up take, but here goes. :-)

I'm sure some of you will remember years back a show on t.v. called "Christy". It was based on the novel of the same name by Catherine Marshall. While in some aspects it was a bit silly, I still found it interesting to watch. I had read the novel several years before the series came on. For those of you who don't remember the show or have never seen it, it was based on a young, somewhat well-to-do woman's adventures as a school teacher in the Appalachia Hills. I'm a bit foggy on some of it, but I'm thinking it was set back in the early to mid 1900s. The area she was assigned to was deep in the hills and very poverty stricken. The people's existence was very harsh and they were uneducated for the most part. However there was hidden talents, and a discovery of the use of very archaic English words and phrases. Anyhoo, the series explored the relationship of "Christy" and the people she came to love.

In the series one of the main characters was a fragile-lookin'-but-pretty-tough lady and her name was Fairlight. The first time I heard that name I was taken with it.

Ever since then its been lying around in the back of my mind, a word I pulled out occasionally to think about. For some reason even the first time I heard it, it conjured up visions of the hills in the fall. Picture misty hills, just turning the golds and reds of Autumn, the sun coming up but still hidden behind the curve of the hills. That first dreamy, golden light of morning. The feelings that come from this picture for me are peaceful, serene, full of hope of a new day and blessed.

When I got my first registered Shetlands, I had to come up with a farm name to join the registry. Immediately Fairlight came to mind. I had no doubts or second thoughts, and fortunately the name wasn't taken. I think it fits the tough but sometimes fragile looking little Shetlands, and works well with their history and roots.

So there you go, Tina! Thanks for asking. A bit long of an explanation, but you all know I'm pretty wordy! ;-) Naming anything around here is always a long and involved process, so actually coming up with the Fairlight name that quick was unusual.

I hope you all have a bit of Fairlight in your life today!


Michelle said...

I remember "Christy," but not Fairlight. However, I love your story AND the name. Boulderneigh was somewhat similar for me. I thought up the name years ago, shortly after we moved to this property in 1995. Rick thought an "estate name" was silly, and I didn't really need a kennel name for the bulldogs, another use I thought of for it. When Shetlands came over the horizon, I had my prefix!

Tina T-P said...

Thank you! What a cool way to have picked your farm name. It does sound very pastoral - I think an even better word is "bucolic" Our farm is named for the neighborhood we live in - actually one of the oldest settlements in the state of Washington - and we thought it rolled off the tongue nicely :-) T.

Kathy said...

Hi, Tammy!
My friend Tina (and Michelle)mentioned your blog and I have to say I've REALLY enjoyed reading it. May I list you on my blog?

I read with great interest about the Celtic Festival you did. I was supposed to do ours this year, with the sheep, but had to have surgery instead. I would rather have done the festival. :)

And I love the story on how you got your farm name...thanks for sharing!

Tammy said...

It's interesting to hear the stories of how our farm names came about! I'm glad Tina thought of the idea. :-)
Welcome Kathy! I'm glad you enjoyed the blog, its good to have you. I read your blog all the time and enjoy it as well. Please do list mine on yours. I would list all you guys if I could ever figure it out. Ha

Kathy said...

Thanks, Tammy!

Have a great weekend! (And I see I have a couple more entries to read of yours!)

We'll be trying to clean out our feed room and attack the vermin that are trying to move in - both mice and now we have ground squirrels coming up through the earthen floor. Oi!