Like alot of things in this big old fast paced world, the reason and meaning of Thanksgiving has gotten lost in commercialization and glitz. There isn't honestly a whole lot the retail world can do with Thanksgiving (except in the food department), barring a few decorations here and there. So instead they've managed to capitalize on the the day AFTER.....and boy have they ever. But shopping isn't what this blog is about. Its about being Thankful, and appreciating what you got and who you've got and where you are. Its about feeling blessed, even with the little things that dot your day.
I've forgotten much of my history lessons, but I know that the people that came before us and pounded out a life and living in this rugged country, fought hard and often died to keep what they had and to make that one step forward to a 'better life' for their children. They knew when to be Thankful and they knew when they were blessed and alot of them understood just Who to thank as well. They didn't worry about being politically correct, or saying the wrong thing or going to a big fancy 'house of worship'. They got down on their knees where they were, in their grimey clothes and with their grimey hands folded they bowed their heads and simply thanked God. When they had a big feast of food, plain as it may be, they thanked God. When they lived another day, they thanked God. When their children lived and thrived, they thanked God. When their sons came home from war safe, they thanked God. They understood.
Then each hard fought step brought us further along, closer to the 'good life'. In the last 100 years the steps became giant, the last 20 years the steps blurred they were so fast, and the easy life was upon us. So here we are---with so many gadgets and wonders to make our lives easier. Most of us have the basics, some have much more, but on the whole we have life easy, compared to our ancestors. So what happened? Why is it so hard to be thankful? To appreciate the blessings of family and friends and good food? To fellowship and be happy with those we love? Even though we have so much more, and so many gadgets to 'simplify' life, we suddenly have no time. We are stressed out, burnt out and always want to do more. Hmmmm......kinda a strange path isn't it?
All this 'musing' to say, really,really think about what you are thankful for today, and thank the One who has blessed you. Appreciate the family you spend time with today, quirks and all, put aside petty differences. Understand that time with family and friends is precious and not forever. Slow down today and enjoy. Eat lots of good food and be thankful for that too. Thats what I plan to do today, celebrate a day of Thanksgiving with my family, and I hope you do to. Now, I'm off to pull my yummy smelling crescent rolls from the oven!
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