Sunset on an evening walk......
Moonrise on the way back.....

I've often heard and sometimes used the saying "I've met myself coming and going" to signify how busy life is. Too busy. Priorites get out of whack, we get exhausted and suddenly realize we aren't enjoying much of anything. Its easy to do, we've all been there. There comes a moment when you have to step back and say enough! There are only so many hours in a day, and we are only capable of doing so much in those hours. I've been thinking alot about the 'simplify your life' trend. We have so much stuff, and we work so hard to take care of our 'stuff', but stuff can be gone so quickly. Then we understand what life is about---its not about our stuff, making money, impressing people or just running ourselves ragged. Life is about loving God, loving your family and loving your friends. Its about loving yourself too. Its most precious when you are sharing that love to those who need it--whether its your time, or a service or just sitting and listening and being there, being interested. Life is about leaving your small piece of the world just a little better than how you found it. Most of us our fortunate in that we don't have to work so hard that all we do is survive--not if we decide what our priorities are. Most of us don't have 'enough money' all the time either, but we sacrifice and do without and wait. And at some point we understand again what is important. I wish for you all that read this, that you can keep your prespective on what is of value, what is most important each day, and not get lost and bogged down on the endless treadmill we call 'life'. Look around, enjoy the beauty God has put in your path today--whether its an awesome sunset, or moonrise (or both on the same walk), the glow in the face of someone you love, who has reached a milestone in their life, the smile of a stranger, the simplistic and joyful nature of a dog---its all there--a free gift, sometimes you just have to open your eyes, take a deep breath and enjoy it.
Wise words, Auntie. And very timely, too.
Yes, thank-you for the reminder, friend. I spent the weekend at a Christian women's retreat, and it was a "feast." Now back to the "real world," and trying to maintain balance. I did get a new post up on my blog today....
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